The precision positioning hexapods of SYMETRIE are particularly adapted for the specific needs of synchrotrons.
Precision positioning of miscellaneous components:
■ Samples
■ Mirrors (including KB mirrors)
■ Benders
■ Vacuum chambers
With a possibly high level of hexapod customization.
■ High resolution (MIM: minimum incremental motion)
■ High stability
■ High stiffness: it is possible to use the hexapod in any orientation (horizontal, vertical, upside down…) thanks to its very stiff design.
Since 2001, SYMETRIE has improved its control software and has added features answering customers needs, such as:
■ Virtual pivot-point configuration
■ Use of several coordinate systems (expression of the hexapod motions according to the machine, the sample…)
■ Definition of the hexapod workspace
■ Safety management
■ Hexapod control software easily integrable into a supervision environment such as LabVIEW, EPICS or TANGO (partly developed by SOLEIL synchrotron).