A hexapod for an art video
A MISTRAL hexapod has been used to shoot The Outlawed, a contemporary art video by Fabien Giraud and Raphael Siboni.
The artists present The Outlawed, shot with a Symetrie hexapod, from May 15 to July 7, 2018, at the Ricard Foundation in Paris, France. This film is part of The Unmanned, 2045-1542 (A HISTORY OF COMPUTATION), a historical fresco of eight sequences on computer science.

Extract of The Outlawed
In August 1953 Alan Turing is spending his last summer on Corfu island in Greece. On a sunny afternoon, the mathematician and inventor of the modern computer, enduring an enforced hormonal treatment after being found guilty of homosexuality, embarks on a makeshift raft to study the morphogenesis of marine organisms. As he explores the coast, the raft moves away gradually. In the absence of any shore, lost at sea, a ungrounded scene unfolds.
The raft is set in motion by a MISTRAL hexapod and the camera is also embarked on the raft.
Thanks to its six degrees of freedom (three translations, three rotations), the hexapod is ideal to simulate swell motions.

MISTRAL hexapod used for the shooting
In addition to the Ricard Foundation, this movie will be shown in 2018/2019 at Casino Luxembourg, SF MOMA (USA), MONA (Australia) and at UQAM gallery (Canada).
For more information:
An extract of the movie The Outlawed
The exhibition webpage
The artists website